So a few months back, I bought the Cricut Cake Mini and at first I hated it. Well let me rephrase, I hated having to figure out how to make the actual edible substences work with the machine. As much I hate to admit it, I'm way more kitchen/cooking fail then anything else, but I was determined.
Then I stumbled onto a brilliant product, Wilton Sugar Sheets. These little babies cut amazingly, but the only down side is the $4.00 per sheet price. That's actually a little less then the cricut cake sheets, AND since it's wilton, you can use the discount coupons on them. So $$$ worries solved! I use SCAL or my Gypsy when putting together a design, so I don't waste, then any that you don't use can be sealed back in its package to be used later. It's rather genius.
Here are what I have done so far with them...
Caleb's 3rd Birthday Cake
For my little brother who loves the Rangers